Customer Testimonials

Discover what residential and business phone customers from all over the country are saying about Pioneer Telephone:

“The online registration was extremely simple – just completed an online form and everything was handled electronically. Pioneer switched the service. Everything went smoothly, and there was no interruption of service and no noticeable difference in quality. My mother had to move to a nursing home but I can’t visit that often because I live far away, so I try to call her a few times a week. The cost was becoming an issue – as much as my cable tv bill. The low cost of this service through Pioneer allows me to call her every day at about 10% of the cost of the bill from my previous long distance service provider.”
-Michael Burns from Columbus, Ohio

“Loving it! I am saving a lot of money and the customer service is outstanding! No wait time on the phone, any call will get immediately answered by a real person, who is friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. Highly recommended!”
-Andrea Masters from North Conway, New Hampshire

“I make very few long distance phone calls and they don’t eat my money on months when I don’t use the service. The prices when I do make a call are fair. I have no complaints about them at all. So far I haven’t had any reason to deal with customer service. I guess that’s a good thing in it’s self. Haven’t made any international calls, cut I wouldn’t expect any problems there either.”
-Don Ster from Bastrop, Texas

“Don’t continue to let other companies rip you off for long distance service. Pioneer provides the same service for much cheaper and if you need customer service, they’re much easier to contact an actual person. Paying my bill is easy. So far, they haven’t pulled the crap that my last long distance company did. They don’t raise their rates once you sign up and they don’t make you pick a plan. I would recommend Pioneer Telephone to anyone.”
-Sandy S from Colorado Springs, Colorado

“I would recommend this product to anyone over other long distance carriers I’ve used and I have. I will use this product as long as I have a land line also and that’s been about 25 years now. Thanks!”
-Tommy Hollingsworth from Conyers, Georgia